Trinity Christian School


10th through 12th
Subject Tenth Grade Eleventh Grade Twelfth Grade
Art Survey of Art --- ---
Bible Introduction to Church History Introduction to Christian Doctrine Introduction to Apologetics & Christian Ethics
English British Literature American Literature Rhetoric
Foreign Language --- Spanish I Spanish II
History World History US History Government/
Logic Logic --- ---
Math Algebra II Pre-Calculus with Statistics Calculus
or Personal Finance
Science Anatomy/Physiology Chemistry Physics
Physical Education Boys' or Girls' PE Boys' or Girls' PE Boys' or Girls' PE
Soccer Varsity Soccer Varsity Soccer Varsity Soccer
Band Advanced Band/Jazz Band Advanced Band/Jazz Band Advanced Band/Jazz Band
Choral Ensemble Trinity Singers Trinity Singers Trinity Singers
Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook
Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper
Drama Drama Drama Drama
Drivers' Education Drivers' Education Drivers' Education ---
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