Trinity Christian School

Fine Arts

Art, Band, and Choral


Art encompasses both aesthetic appreciation and creative expression. Created in God’s image, we believe all people possess an innate creative capacity. Such creativity witnesses to the impress of deity upon our souls, mirroring His image in us and radiating His mind through us as we create. As a classical and Christian school, we explore great works of art by past masters filtered through a Christian perspective. Such exploration enables students to experience the intellectual and emotional power of artistic genius while cultivating their own creative potential and aesthetic discernment. Students additionally study artistic methods in various media to learn how to create artistic works of their own.


Music is an important subject in the development of your child’s thinking as well as fine tuning fine motor skills. At Trinity, we believe it is important to offer music classes that will build upon each other as a child progresses from one grade to another.  Trinity's band program offers many opportunities - Beginner Band (5th grade), Intermediate Band (6th grade), Advanced and Jazz Bands (7th-12th).  All bands practice throughout the school year and perform at school events.

music and choral

God’s word exhorts us to celebratory praise, reverential worship, and skillful expression of our faith through singing and playing instruments. God’s grace equips all of us with the means to worship Him through music. Our music program purposes to develop our students’ musical skills. This process begins by teaching students to listen and hear discriminately in order to understand musical ideas, to sing correctly and accurately, and to have a working understanding of music notation. Our curriculum also familiarizes students with the traditional and classical music of our heritage. This includes folk songs of Western culture, classical music composed in the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries, and the historical hymnody of our Christian heritage. Ultimately, Trinity’s music curriculum challenges students to appreciate excellence in music. 

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